Saturday, January 21, 2012

Some of my past projects

I wanted to show off a few of my past projects. 

This is my mohair bear.
He's quite big and was a bit of a challenge. But I love him just the same. He sits at the end of my bed and keeps me safe a night! I got the pattern from Homespun magazine.

Felt booties. I love these and the idea of homemade shoes. I'd love to attempt this one again with cotton materials. I gave these away as a present for a friend who was having a baby. This is what happens to most of my projects. The pattern was from Homespun Magazine one of my favourite magazines. I love how they have many illustrations of each project to give you a better idea of what you are going to end up with.

This is a mobile I made for a school project while studying my Children's Services Diploma.
I love lady beetles and they go with the babies quilt I made below.

This is my first ever attempt at designing a quilt. Again with lady beetles. I love the colours but I've still got to quilt it. This is just the quilt top. I WILL finish it eventually!! 

These are the bibs I made for my niece. I got the idea from a friend and from working with young children. I found the bibs we had weren't big enough to cover the children's clothes effectively. I wanted mine to cover the babies clothes better. I also love the bibs which pull over babies head so baby can't pull it off five seconds later! I also wanted them to be more fun. I made one side out of fun materials and the other is out of an old tea towel so it is more absorbent. This way it can be reversed for different occasions. 

This hat has been fantastic. I've made two of them now for my friends who have had babies. I love wool which changes as you knit. I find it very hard to put it down. I've tried to use soft yarn so it is more comfortable for baby and I find acrylic wool is great. Not as scratchy and it doesn't come off on your clothes as you knit it.
You can get the pattern from here

This was my most recent present I made for my nieces birthday. It was so simple. Great for a beginner knitter but I would change colours of wool for pants to add more interest as I got quite bored with it. The pattern said to knit it in garter stitch but I chose stocking stitch for a neater look. The pattern is available from here.

 Í made the little jumper for him free hand.
 It' is 24 stitches for the back knitted to the length you like. Then 15 stitch for each of the front pieces. I've aloud extra as mine was a tight fit. Knit till it's the length you like and sew up the front to the back piece allowing holes for the arms to go through. I made a tie for the front by knitting 2 or 3 rows of 20 stitches then threading it through the front and tying it on. 

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